
Jan 27, 20202 min

2 Useful Tips to Start Your Day

Updated: Jan 27, 2023

Hi friends,

I am Dr. K. P. V. Rao. I am here to help you start your day with some really smart tips. I have been following these ideas for quite some time now and they have been particularly useful for me. Just follow them and find out how useful it is....

First Tip: - Rise Early

Try to get up early in the morning. The saying- early to bed, early to rise keeps you healthy, fit and wise- is very true. I get up around 5 a.m. At this time, it is very quiet and peaceful. The first thing I do is pray to the Almighty for having let me see this day.

Next, I boil some water to put it into the coffee filter. Then I keep the milk to boil, and during this interim period, I meditate. After the coffee is ready, I offer it first to God and then drink it as his prasad [his food]. Sipping this coffee, I start reading some book or I write some article, like I am doing now.

Second Tip: - Go for walk

After the coffee and attending nature's call, I go for my morning walk. Walk for at least 30 to 45 minutes. Depending upon your age and state of health, I recommend-

  1. Brisk walk for people aged 25 to 50 years of age.

  2. Slightly slower walk for those in their 50's.

  3. Slow to very slow walking for those who are over 60's and those having knee arthritis. But walking is a must. I was diagnosed with knee osteoarthritis 2 years back and I was overweight then. In was advised total knee replacement surgery for the pain I was going through. But I took this as a challenge, brought down my weight by 10 kg in 10 months by simply brisk walking! If you have been diagnosed with OA, you can put on kneecaps (as I do) or you can take a cane for support while walking.

So, you can imagine what tremendous benefit we get by just disciplined walking. Apply these two tips to start your day with and enjoy the benefit for the whole day, as you are going to remain fresh throughout that day.

For more on this, read Walking and health
